Friday, June 29, 2012

How Catawampus are you?

Hey Everyone,

catawampus \kat-uh-WOM-puhs\ , adjective:
1. Off-center; askew; awry.
2. Positioned diagonally; cater-cornered.

Ok, So I am not sure if Catawampus is an appropriate word when describing asymmetries or imbalances in the human body, but I like the word so we will roll with it for today.

Often times imbalances in our bodies can lead to injuries or decreased performance.  So, today I want to show you two quick test that you can do to objectively measure left versus right imbalances in regards to core stability, hip stability, and balance.

Single Leg Balance Touch Down:  Start by standing on your right leg and set a timer for 60 seconds.  With your right arm reach down and touch the floor, bending the knee if needed.  Count how many times you are able to touch the ground in 60 seconds.  Then stand on the left leg and repeat.  Take note of the count difference right versus left as well as taking note of overall balance and stability right versus left.

Side Plank:  Start by laying on the right side of your body with your body alignment perfectly straight as in the pictures below.  Keep your elbow and feet on the ground and then raise the rest of your body off of the ground and start a timer.  When you are not able to keep perfect body alignment or simply cannot hold your body off the ground anymore stop the timer and take note of the duration of the hold.  Repeat on the left side and again take note of the time difference from right to left side.

You will now have a basic understanding of asymmetries and imbalances in your body in regards to your “core”, hip stability and balance.  Give it a try and then start training appropriately to create stability and symmetry.

Living Life with no Excuses!... No Regrets!

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Funtastic 40!

Happy Friday Everyone,
After a 2 week break I am back to the FITE Club.  "Break" is probably not the best word to describe my hiatus from the club.  Over the past 2 weeks I have run the Gator Gauntlet Mud Run, traveled to Destin, Fl. for a wedding and have been going through all the steps to buy a new house.  But, with all that it feels good to back to my Friday morning adventures.

This week Robin is off in Mexico enjoying a little vacation so we had to keep up the intensity while she is gone.  Today I had planned a special birthday workout for Jim, but everyone was thankful that he was out of town.  The plan was to complete 58 repetitions of every exercise to celebrate Jim's 58th birthday.  But, since Jim was on vacation we did the Funtastic 40 instead.

Here we go...

Warm up using the TRX suspension trainers:
  1. TRX forward lunge/ chest stretch- 20 reps
  2. TRX deep squats- 20
  3. TRX Push ups- 20
  4. TRX Body rows- 20
Core Series: 30 seconds of work, 10 seconds rest. 3 Rounds
  1. SB Plank/ Plank
  2. SB Bridge pullover
  3. Sky Divers
Time to JAM!- 40 repetitions of each exercise.  3 or 4 rounds depending on time

  1. 1/4 mile run or 400 meter row
  2. Kettle Bell front squats (goblet or rack position)- 40
  3. SB Push ups - 40 (I actually forgot these during the workout today, but they were in my program)
  4. SB Prone dumbbell row- 40
  5. KB Pass through lunges- 20 each leg (40 total)
  6. Medicine Ball Russian twist- 40

Enjoy, and have a great weekend!

Living Life with No Excuses!... No Regrets!

"Life Is Motion"

"Life Is Motion"
Turkish Get Up