Aloha Everyone!
I just completed our FITE Club Workout and I feel amazing!! Early morning workouts are definitely "my" time. After a hard workout, shower, and a protein coffee it is amazing how much energy I have!! Have you determined the best time for you to work out yet? If you haven't, you need to experiment with your times. A workout after a long day of work is not always the best time. You might not be a "morning" person, but I encourage you to try different times. You will know almost immediately after your workout if that is "your" time. You will feel powerful, energized, and invigorated!!
Have your guys heard about the FITE Club yet? It stands for Friday Interval Training Experience. This is a early morning Friday workout that Robin Zukowski started months ago. As we speak, Robin is on her way to Hawaii with the girls to sip on Umbrella drinks and enjoy the sun, so she asked me to lead the group.
Rule #1 of FITE Club: Tell everyone about the FITE Club!!!

So here was our workout today:
*Dynamic Warm up
*Strength: 50-10-5 (50 sec. work followed by 10 sec. rest, 5 exercises), 4 rounds
1. Dumbbell curl to overhead press
2. Kettle Bell Goblet Squat(picture below)
3. Cable machine single arm row
4. Lunge with Medicine ball chop
5. TRX power pull (see picture above)
Sprint Interval: 3 rounds
1. 1/4 mile sprint on treadmill, bike, or rower (record time each round)
2. Lumber jack lift to press (picture at top)
3. Stability Ball cobra with weight
4. Stability ball plank with reach.

Sprint Times:
Adam: Run
Scott: Run
Jim: Row
2:12 (500)
Everyone did awesome and had fun. See you next week!!
Train For Life!!