Hey Everyone,
I just got back from the IHRSA convention in San Fransisco. As always, it was a great experience. I had the opportunity to listen to many successful business leaders both inside and outside of our industry including: Daniel Pink, Patrick Lencioni. and my favorite of the week was Zappos Ceo, Tony Hsieh.
Their presentations inspired me to continue to grow as a leader. So, today I wanted help inspire you to grow by sharing a list of some of my favorite books on leadership and business. These are great books that can help you grow regardless of your position or title. Whether you are a owner, CEO, manager, employee, a student, or a parent, we all have room to grow and these books have helped millions of people do just that.
The One Minute Manager. Kenneth Blanchard, and Spencer Johnson
Good To Great. Jim Collins
The E Myth. Michael Gerber
Jack Welch and The 4E's of Leadership. Jeffrey A. Krames
Leadership. Rudolph W. Giullani
Currently Reading......
How to Win Customers & Keep them for Life. Michael LeBoeuf
Delivering Happiness. Tony Hsieh
Future Reading.....
Drive, The Surprising Truth about what Motivates us. Daniel Pink
Tribal Leadership
I hope you enjoy growing and getting better with these books like I have. In a future blog I will provide a list of fitness, exercise, and sports medicine books to peak your interest and help you grow physically as well as mentally.
Living Life with no Regrets....... No Excuses!!!
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