Hi Everyone,
It's Thanksgiving today and most of us will be spending the day with our families being thankful for all we have.......
And most of us will also spend today overindulging in all the great foods that our families make....... so here is a great calorie burning workout to help counter the overeating.
1. 500 meter row
2. 50 burpees or dumbbell thruster jumps
3. 250 meter row
4. 50 single arm kettle bell swings (each arm)
5. 250 meter row
6. 50 box jumps (18- 24 inch box)
7. 250 meter row
8. 50 hanging knee ups
9. 250 meter row
10. 50 skydivers or prone cobras
11. 1000 meter row.
Have fun, and leave me comments with your best time to complete this workout.
Living life with No Regrets........ No Excuses.
My Mission is to use my knowledge, experience, leadership, and passion to empower people to live better and grow professionally. This site is dedicated to sharing knowledge on what I do best, post-rehab training for the everyday athlete. In my opinion Injuries are rarely an excuse for why people should not exercise. Often times people just don't know what they can or cannot do, or how to modify appropriately. This site will show you how!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Quick Tips fot Thanksgiving Day Success

Here are a couple of tips that my client Jim shared with me(and a few of my own) to help reduce the damage done by your Thanksgiving day meal.
Have a great Turkey Day and try to stay active.
1. Limit the gravy- Use a teaspoon instead of a ladle to serve the gravy.
2. Use smaller plates to help reduce portion size.
3. Bake pumpkin pies in small custard dishes without the crust.
4. Remove the skin from the turkey before serving.
5. Pack more vegetable in your stuffing, use less breading.
6. Don't serve any snacks or appetizers throughout the day.
7. Drink 16 oz of water before you begin eating.
8. Use fresh steamed green beans instead of green bean casserole.
9. Bake your turkey, don't fry it. Frying is very popular these days, but adds many calories and fat.
10. Eat a light and healthy breakfast and lunch(depending on what time you eat). Do this so you don't go into you Thanksgiving day meal starving!
11. Take a nice, long walk after dinner with your family and friends.
Living life with No Regrets............ No Excuses.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
"Hey, Are you busy?"
Hey Everyone,
It is just about that time of year again where there is always to many things to do, and simply not enough time to do them.
I hear people tell me all the time that they don't have time to exercise, don't have to time to eat right, they don't have time for this or that..... I don't believe that! What I believe is that you did not make time to exercise, you didn't make time to eat right.
OK, off my soap box........ I have re-posted many articles in the past by Todd Durkin, and here is another great one that will help us stay focused and give us some great tips to make time for the things we Really need to do.
Remember, live life with No Regrets.........No Excuses!!!
"Hey, Are You Busy?"
By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS, Owner, Fitness Quest 10
I received an email the other day from a young trainer who asked what I do with my time between sessions. Interesting question. Typically, I look at my To Do List and ask myself, 'What's the best use of my time right now?' What do you do between things?
It seems like everyone near me is talking about being busy...Too busy. As a busy professional myself, I know what it's like to juggle many things on your plate. But then again, everyone I know is busy. So, whether it's your job, shuffling the kids to school or sports, or just trying to balance the daily demands of life, the million-dollar question is, are you busy doing the right things?
Just the other day, I heard someone comment on how we are surrounded by clocks. Think about it: We hang clocks everywhere and often wear one on our wrists (how many clocks did you have to change this weekend?). We are slaves to time. So it doesn't matter whether you know the time by your phone, PDA, cable box, microwave, heart rate monitor, watch or the movement of the sun, life isn't slowing down anytime soon. Those of us who are busy are going to stay busy. Here are a few suggestions to help make sure you're busy doing the right things:
· Game plan. Call this "Blue-sky" strategic planning time. Make sure you know where you're going. Otherwise, you will just be stuck in "busyness." Know where you want to be one year from now. Know where you want to be 90 days from now. Know where you want to be 30 days from now. Your daily decisions should all be influenced by the direction you have chosen for your future.
· Just say NO. By saying "NO" more to the things you don't want in your life, you are saying "YES" to the things you do want in your life. And that includes more free time, family time, exercise time, and relaxation time. Be a strategist - not an opportunist. If an opportunity fits within your strategy, say yes. If it's just an opportunity that will not help you live your purpose, say NO. Simplification feels oh-so-good.
· Win the Day. I say it all the time and I will say it again. Focus on the here and now. While the pressures of work, family, school, sports, etc. all add up, I get a lot of salvage (and sanity!) out of focusing on "Winning the Day." This keeps me focused on what I can control - not on what I can't.
· Stay Focused. I think people get scattered. They are checking email, and then a Facebook alert pops up. Then another important email pops and they hop back to that. Then the phone rings in the office, and they are texting someone at the same time they are in a phone conversation... Before you know it, you have three conversations going on and five files open on your desktop. Many ultra successful entrepreneurs say one of the key characteristics of extremely high performers is the ability to be "single-focused" on important projects. Remember the ABCs of time management? Focus on the As and forget the Cs until something changes and today's C becomes tomorrow's B or A. What's the best use of your time right now?
· Create the right To Do List. I am about to head to Toronto, Canada for a two-day retreat with Robin Sharma. Robin is the best-selling author of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and The Leader Without a Title. I have been in Robin's coaching program for about a year now and he has taught me how to perfect my To Do List. I've worked hard to organize my time this year and it has resulted in much higher productivity. I now have a "Big 5" for my life, for my year, for the week, and for each day. Each day, I know exactly which 5 things must be done to create a winning day. I don't go home until they've been completed.
Here is a favorite little story to bring the point home. I recently found this in the book, Exploiting Chaos: 150 Ways to Spark Innovation During Times of Change.
A young man once approached J.P. Morgan with a proposition: "Sir, I hold in my hand a guaranteed formula for success, which I will gladly sell to you for $25,000."
Always curious, J.P. Morgan replied, "I do not know what is in the envelope, however, if you show me and I like it, I give you my word as a gentleman that I will pay you what you ask."
The man agreed, handing J.P. Morgan the envelope.
When J.P. examined the note, he reached for his checkbook and paid the man the agreed-upon sum of $25,000. In one of his presentations, Tom Peters revealed the advice written on that piece of paper:
1. Every morning, write a list of the things that need to be done that day.
Sound advice my friend. And while I prefer to do my daily 'To Do' List the night before, you get the idea of the importance of taking ACTION on the most important things on your list FIRST. Accept that you will be busy, but stay focused on what's most important. First, give priority to your workouts and eating right. This will help fight the stress and anxiety associated with the many other items you must complete. That's great advice as we continue to march toward the holiday season and year-end. For now, permit yourself to be imperfect, slow down, and enjoy this wonderful time of the year. And if you continue to find yourself busy: Be busy doing the right things!
Peace and love,
Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS, is an internationally recognized performance coach, personal trainer and massage therapist who motivates, educates and inspires people worldwide. He is the owner of Fitness Quest 10 in San Diego, CA, where his wonderful team of 35 focuses on personal training, massage therapy, Pilates, yoga, sports performance training and nutrition to help transform the bodies, minds and spirits of a broad clientele. Todd trains dozens of NFL and MLB athletes, including 2010 Super Bowl XLIV Champion and MVP Drew Brees. He is the head of the Under Armour Performance Training Council and is a featured presenter on the Perform Better educational circuit. He is a two-time Trainer of the Year (IDEA & ACE). Additionally, Todd provides motivational talks and programs to companies and conferences worldwide.
Men's Health recently named his gym, Fitness Quest 10, one of the Top 10 Gyms in the US. Todd has appeared on 60 Minutes, ESPN, NFL Network and has been featured in Sports Illustrated, USA Today, Business Week, Prevention, ESPN the Magazine, Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Men's Journal, Stack Magazine, Self, Shape, Fitness, the NY Times and Washington Post. Todd has authored 35 DVDs on strength and conditioning, functional fitness, massage/bodywork and business/personal growth.
His new book, The IMPACT! Body Plan debuted in September 2010 and is a 10 Week program designed to create world-class fitness and life performance. You can sign up for Todd's FREE award-winning Ezine newsletter, the TD TIMES, at www.FitnessQuest10.com or www.ToddDurkin.com.
It is just about that time of year again where there is always to many things to do, and simply not enough time to do them.
I hear people tell me all the time that they don't have time to exercise, don't have to time to eat right, they don't have time for this or that..... I don't believe that! What I believe is that you did not make time to exercise, you didn't make time to eat right.
OK, off my soap box........ I have re-posted many articles in the past by Todd Durkin, and here is another great one that will help us stay focused and give us some great tips to make time for the things we Really need to do.
Remember, live life with No Regrets.........No Excuses!!!
"Hey, Are You Busy?"
By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS, Owner, Fitness Quest 10
I received an email the other day from a young trainer who asked what I do with my time between sessions. Interesting question. Typically, I look at my To Do List and ask myself, 'What's the best use of my time right now?' What do you do between things?
It seems like everyone near me is talking about being busy...Too busy. As a busy professional myself, I know what it's like to juggle many things on your plate. But then again, everyone I know is busy. So, whether it's your job, shuffling the kids to school or sports, or just trying to balance the daily demands of life, the million-dollar question is, are you busy doing the right things?
Just the other day, I heard someone comment on how we are surrounded by clocks. Think about it: We hang clocks everywhere and often wear one on our wrists (how many clocks did you have to change this weekend?). We are slaves to time. So it doesn't matter whether you know the time by your phone, PDA, cable box, microwave, heart rate monitor, watch or the movement of the sun, life isn't slowing down anytime soon. Those of us who are busy are going to stay busy. Here are a few suggestions to help make sure you're busy doing the right things:
· Game plan. Call this "Blue-sky" strategic planning time. Make sure you know where you're going. Otherwise, you will just be stuck in "busyness." Know where you want to be one year from now. Know where you want to be 90 days from now. Know where you want to be 30 days from now. Your daily decisions should all be influenced by the direction you have chosen for your future.
· Just say NO. By saying "NO" more to the things you don't want in your life, you are saying "YES" to the things you do want in your life. And that includes more free time, family time, exercise time, and relaxation time. Be a strategist - not an opportunist. If an opportunity fits within your strategy, say yes. If it's just an opportunity that will not help you live your purpose, say NO. Simplification feels oh-so-good.
· Win the Day. I say it all the time and I will say it again. Focus on the here and now. While the pressures of work, family, school, sports, etc. all add up, I get a lot of salvage (and sanity!) out of focusing on "Winning the Day." This keeps me focused on what I can control - not on what I can't.
· Stay Focused. I think people get scattered. They are checking email, and then a Facebook alert pops up. Then another important email pops and they hop back to that. Then the phone rings in the office, and they are texting someone at the same time they are in a phone conversation... Before you know it, you have three conversations going on and five files open on your desktop. Many ultra successful entrepreneurs say one of the key characteristics of extremely high performers is the ability to be "single-focused" on important projects. Remember the ABCs of time management? Focus on the As and forget the Cs until something changes and today's C becomes tomorrow's B or A. What's the best use of your time right now?
· Create the right To Do List. I am about to head to Toronto, Canada for a two-day retreat with Robin Sharma. Robin is the best-selling author of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and The Leader Without a Title. I have been in Robin's coaching program for about a year now and he has taught me how to perfect my To Do List. I've worked hard to organize my time this year and it has resulted in much higher productivity. I now have a "Big 5" for my life, for my year, for the week, and for each day. Each day, I know exactly which 5 things must be done to create a winning day. I don't go home until they've been completed.
Here is a favorite little story to bring the point home. I recently found this in the book, Exploiting Chaos: 150 Ways to Spark Innovation During Times of Change.
A young man once approached J.P. Morgan with a proposition: "Sir, I hold in my hand a guaranteed formula for success, which I will gladly sell to you for $25,000."
Always curious, J.P. Morgan replied, "I do not know what is in the envelope, however, if you show me and I like it, I give you my word as a gentleman that I will pay you what you ask."
The man agreed, handing J.P. Morgan the envelope.
When J.P. examined the note, he reached for his checkbook and paid the man the agreed-upon sum of $25,000. In one of his presentations, Tom Peters revealed the advice written on that piece of paper:
1. Every morning, write a list of the things that need to be done that day.
Sound advice my friend. And while I prefer to do my daily 'To Do' List the night before, you get the idea of the importance of taking ACTION on the most important things on your list FIRST. Accept that you will be busy, but stay focused on what's most important. First, give priority to your workouts and eating right. This will help fight the stress and anxiety associated with the many other items you must complete. That's great advice as we continue to march toward the holiday season and year-end. For now, permit yourself to be imperfect, slow down, and enjoy this wonderful time of the year. And if you continue to find yourself busy: Be busy doing the right things!
Peace and love,
Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS, is an internationally recognized performance coach, personal trainer and massage therapist who motivates, educates and inspires people worldwide. He is the owner of Fitness Quest 10 in San Diego, CA, where his wonderful team of 35 focuses on personal training, massage therapy, Pilates, yoga, sports performance training and nutrition to help transform the bodies, minds and spirits of a broad clientele. Todd trains dozens of NFL and MLB athletes, including 2010 Super Bowl XLIV Champion and MVP Drew Brees. He is the head of the Under Armour Performance Training Council and is a featured presenter on the Perform Better educational circuit. He is a two-time Trainer of the Year (IDEA & ACE). Additionally, Todd provides motivational talks and programs to companies and conferences worldwide.
Men's Health recently named his gym, Fitness Quest 10, one of the Top 10 Gyms in the US. Todd has appeared on 60 Minutes, ESPN, NFL Network and has been featured in Sports Illustrated, USA Today, Business Week, Prevention, ESPN the Magazine, Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Men's Journal, Stack Magazine, Self, Shape, Fitness, the NY Times and Washington Post. Todd has authored 35 DVDs on strength and conditioning, functional fitness, massage/bodywork and business/personal growth.
His new book, The IMPACT! Body Plan debuted in September 2010 and is a 10 Week program designed to create world-class fitness and life performance. You can sign up for Todd's FREE award-winning Ezine newsletter, the TD TIMES, at www.FitnessQuest10.com or www.ToddDurkin.com.
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