Happy almost Halloween everyone,
Halloween is right around the corner! For some reason it is one of my favorite holidays?
Keep you training on schedule and get in the Halloween spirit by completing this Halloween themed circuit.
This is a 50 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, 5 exercise circuit (50-10-5). I used a Halloween themed track for Workout Muse, but you can use any interval timer set to 50 seconds work, 10 seconds rest.
I also used some "Halloween" implements, but I will list alternative is parenthesis in case your gym does not have all the fun things that we have at Gainesville Health and Fitness.
1. Heavy Chain (dumbbell) Thruster
2. Kettle Bell (dumbbell) Renegade Rows
3. Cable Torso Rotations (change side at 25 second mark)
4. Pumpkin (medicine ball) Diagonal Wood chops (change sides at 25 second mark)
5. Body weight "plyo" Lunges
Take 1 min. rest after completing the circuit, then repeat for a total of 5 rounds. This workout should take about 30 minutes to complete.
Enjoy, and Happy Halloween.
Living Life with No Regrets............ No Excuses....