Today I wanted to share with you a killer kettle bell workout that takes Power and Endurance to a whole new level.
WARNING: This workout is not for the weak at heart!!!!
One of the things that keeps me fresh and motivated as a personal trainers is actually being "trained" myself sometimes. When you look around the fitness industry and the industry of personal training specifically, a common thread you will see of your "Top" personal trainers is that they either work out with other personal trainers as training partners or they will actually hire a personal trainer themselves at some point in their career.
Fortunately for me, we have surrounded ourselves at Gainesville Health and Fitness with incredibly talented personal trainers! And for the past 2 or 3 months I have been making it a point to take Brandon Rosin's "Kettle Bell Basics" class as often as possible.
Wednesday's workout was an absolute killer! I could have ran five miles and still not have taken my heart rate to the level I did today. And this was actually a "Power" workout?
So, I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. I highly recommend wearing gloves with this workout to prevent the 2 ripped and bloody calluses that I experienced today:)....(sorry for the graphic image)
This circuit is done as 1 continuous set with rest as needed, but in reality it is 10 sets....don't worry I will explain.
Set 1 is 1 repetition of each exercise, so be sure you select a weight that is pretty heavy for you.
Then go straight into set #2, which will be 2 reps of each exercise, followed by set #3 with 3 reps of each exercise....... by now you should see the pattern.... all the way to the 10th set with 10 reps of each exercise. You will probably have to decrease your weight somewhere around set 5 or 6?
(KB= Kettle Bells. You can use dumbbells in place of KB's if you need to)
1. KB single arm snatch
2. KB single arm clean
3. KB single arm swing
4. KB single arm high pull.