Monday, September 28, 2009

Tebow--- Return to Play?

Hey Everyone,
I am still working on the video for the "Dynamic Warm-up", but I had to take a break from it in light of all the questions people have asked me regarding "When will Tim Tebow play again"?

To preface my answer, I am not employed by University Athletic Association, or the UF Football team. However I am a Certified Athletic Trainer, and because of that many people have asked the above question to me. So, I figured I would summarize the Return to Play Guidelines as stated in the NATA's position statement on Management of Sports Related Concussions.

The First thing usually done when managing a concussion is to place a "grade" on the severity of the concussion. One of the scales used for this is called the Cantu Evidence Based Grading System. The Cantu grading system is explained below:

Grade 1 (mild) No Loss of consciousness, Posttraumatic amnesia for less than 30 min, Postconcussion signs and symptoms for less than 24 hours
Grade 2 (moderate) Loss of consciousness for less than 1 min or Posttraumatic amnesia for greater than 30 min ,less than 24 h or
Postconcussion signs and symptoms greater than 24 hours ,and less than 7 days
Grade 3 (severe) Loss of consciousness for greater than 1 min or Posttraumatic amnesia for greater than 24 hours or Postconcussion signs and symptoms for greater than 7 days

When to Return to play?
An athlete may return to play only after all post-concussive symptoms have resolved both at rest and with exercise.

*Grade 1 Concussion
May return to play after 15 minutes if no headache or other post-concussive symptoms are present.

*Multiple Grade 1 Concussions
Return to play after 1 week without symptoms.

*Grade 2 Concussion
Return to play after 1 week without symptoms.

*Multiple Grade 2 Concussions
Return to play after 2 weeks without symptoms.

*Grade 3 Concussion(brief)
Return to play after 1 week without symptoms.

*Grade 3 Concussion (prolonged)
Return to play after 2 weeks without symptoms. May need to consider terminating season if symptoms persist.

*Multiple Grade 3 Concussions
Hold out at least one month. Base on decision of evaluating physician.

So, The answer to the Million Dollar Question:
Q.When Will Tim Tebow be able to Play again?
A. It depends!! It is very possible that if his symptoms have subsided he will be ready for LSU! Having a bye week makes it very probable. Knowing what we all know about Timmy is that he is a tough SOB! I would be very surprised to NOT see him play in two weeks.....That decision will ultimately come from the team physician with close monitoring from the team Athletic Trainer.

Hope this helps...... cross your fingers and keep Tim's health and the entire teams health in your prayers!!

Keep Moving,

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